We respect the privacy of householders

The Group has strict policies to ensure that the privacy of householders is respected, whether in connection with a preliminary visit to your house or a Group visit.

Privacy during the visit

  • Contact with the householder is normally through a single member of the Group who we designate as the Visit Coordinator. Personal information about householders is not shared with other members.
  • Our members sign our register of attendances on arrival at a property, before the visit begins.
  • We remain a small organisation so that all members are well known to each other.
  • Householders may wish to make certain rooms 'out of bounds'.

Privacy of our written report

  • The information about the property that we gather during a Group visit is shared fully with the householder. Members' observations are voiced at a de-brief at the conclusion of the visit, and we encourage the householder to attend and contribute to this discussion. Subsequently, the householder receives, at no charge, a full copy of the property report.
  • Distribution of the property report is strictly controlled. It is not available to the public. We deposit it at the appropriate County Record Office, and also in the archive of the Weald & Downland Open Air Museum. Access to it at these locations for research purposes is subject to the prior permission of the WBSG Secretary. It is also distributed to current WBSG members.
  • Additionally, we add the name of the building (and its parish, but not its address, and not the report itself) to a published list of all properties we have ever visited.

Privacy policy of this website

  • Wealden Buildings Study Group may store the name and contact details of enquirers who use this site’s Enquiry Form to contact us. We will not use this data for marketing purposes.
  • We will never pass information contained in the Enquiry Form to any third party without asking for and obtaining your permission for a specific purpose.
  • "Cookies" may be used on this site to enable us to keep track of the number of repeat visitors to the site, as part of our monitoring of the site so that we can improve it in the future. Cookies do not store personal data. There is helpful information about cookies at www.aboutcookies.org.

To ask about concerns regarding your privacy in connection with a possible visit to your property, please use our Contact Us form.